Sunday, July 22, 2012

Laundry Room

Does a laundry room need a mezzuzah? If yes, would it require a blessing for posting it? Some poskim wrote that it is exempt since it is a room which is assumed to be a "makom tinuf" (a dirty room which has soiled diapers on a set basis). Today this is simply not the case, since we use disposable diapers etc... Therefore it is necessary to place a mezuza on a laundry room. However According to the Responsa Shavet Halevy (2:152) if a laundry room is under 4 by 4 amos in size it is exempt, this is with the impression that the room is unclean from soiled baby clothes and therefore it is not a respectful place to put a mezuzah (See Yoreh Deah 286:4). Rav Moshe Weiner wrote to me:"I think laundry rooms in today's houses, if they are less than 4x4 you should put up a mezuza without a bracha."