Real-Time Mezuzah Consultation

Have questions about mezuzah placement in your home or office? 

Using Skype, Facetime, and Google Hangouts on your mobile phone, I can conduct a real-time mezuzah consultation. For more information, contact me below.


zgt3ebk said...

Hello, I was reading your commentary on the door Mezuzah's and was trying to determine whether a certain way of affixing a Mezuzah to a door with the use of extremely strong magnets may be considered Kosher, if the strength of the magnet type is sufficiently hard to remove. We have small rare earth magnets that can be attached to the back of the mezuzah, similar to two sided tape, and that provide an extreme bond with a door that has a metal jam side. It seems as though this special form of magnet is far stronger than two sided tape, and is considered to be at least 15x stronger than conventional magnets. This would help us in affixing magnets to doors that are metal, without the use of two sided tape from a office supply store or needing to drill into the door jam of a rented apartment. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you. or

Unknown said...

How can I get in touch with you .It's very important