I have 2 questions for you Rabbi on Mezuzas.
1) My mezuzah fell off the door to the floor, is this a bad sign for the house anything that I should do?
2) Does my non Jewish maid who lives in our house need to have a mezuza on her door as well, since it is our home?
In answer to question 1) Although not obligated, when a mezuzah falls from its correct place one should take that as a sign to check the mezuzah, (Shevet Ha'Keusi 1:275 ;Kitzur Yalkut Yosef v. 2 p. 750). Therefore maybe it is not such a bad sign just possibly a friendly reminder from Above. On a side note, if a mezuzah fell one would make a new blessing when affixing it up again (provided that the door would of needed to make a blessing in the first place, when in doubt verify with a competent Rabbi in these laws).
In answer to question 2) If your maid lives in a room in your house the Aruch Hashulchan 286:3 writes that the room still requires a mezuza on the door since the obligation of mezuza is incumbent on the house, not on the person. However the poskim stress that this is the case only if you or your family members enter the maids room occasionally or at least seldom (Pischei Shearim p. 132).
If one built a special back house for their maid to live in (i.e. not connected to the house) than it does not need a mezuza even though you technically own the back house (ibid).