We all know that a mezuzah scroll needs to be kosher for usage, would anyone ever think that a mezuza cover that are commonly sold also be a problem in kashrus! Concerning mezuzah cases with formed images of people on them (like in this picture) or with a sun or moon on them. What is is the Halacaha of these mezuza cases?
Based on the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 141:3) we are not to even own tzuras (formed images)either bolait (protruding) or shakua (indented) images of the sun and moon. Concerning the image of a person even the face alone is a problem (Taz 141:15). See also the Mechaber 141:4 where some have the girsa (wording) "afilu Lenoi" (even for decorative purposes i.e. not for idolatrous purposes G-d forbid, rather just for mere decoration) see also the Shach ibid:21.
I think concerning a child's mezuzahs it is less of a problem even if it has formed images of different icons on them, similar to the status of a toy, so seems to me as a way to defend those that already have such toy like mezuzah cases hanging on their doors, not that it is endorsed nor Torah like, however not necessarily certainly forbidden. However there might even be an issue with decorative images formed on children mezuzah cases, since there is an importance of looking at the mezuza and to touch it as mentioned in the Talmud with Onkelos the ger (Tractate Avoda Zara 11,a) and it not proper to look (see kitzur Shulchan Aruch 169:4) or touch (in a way of cherishing) such things as would apply to all toys (these mezuzas usually also have a Shin printed on them as well, which could be another problem)(see the Sefer Sheva Mitzvahs Hashem on the prohibition of Avodah zarah chapter 5 with the footnotes).
It therefore would be better to avoid purchasing or selling such mezuza cases or possibly advisable to rub off the nose of a toy human figurine on the mezuza case if one already owned it (see Kitzur Shulchan Aruch ibid:2).
Animal images (in general) are not a problem, see the Shulchan Aruch 141:6, however for a mezuzah case since one touches and some kiss it, it would not be advisable to have it for a mezuza case.
These rules of forbidden tzuros on mezuza cases would apply even if they certainly were not made for to be served as Avoda Zara (idolatry), even if they were crafted by a Jew the same would apply.
Since it is a problem (on some of the aforementioned mezuzah cases), one would not be allowed to assist with putting the mezuza inside the case because "lifneh iver lo sitan michshol".
I presented the picture of this mezuzah to 2 halachik poskim residing in Jerusalem and I will share their responses that I recieved:
Rav Moshe Weiner wrote:
"I must admit, the problem of tzuros lenoy doesn't apply in this case, since this is not a complete face rather a profile only which isn't forbidden (see Kitzur Shulchan Aruch ibid)".
Rav Shammai Gross said for sure not to use such a case and not to sell them either.
Any tzurah of a moon, stars, sun, etc is for sure ossur (forbidden). A trzurah of a person is also ossur. Over here he said he wants to be m'ayin (further investigate) since l'maseh it's only half a face. Aside from what it says there in Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah he gave another reason not to use this since one is going to kiss the mezuzah when they pass by it. For sure one should not kiss such a thing.
This article is meant to arouse attention to this issue at hand, everyone should verify with their own competent Rav for Halacha Lemasah.
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