Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tachnun on the Day of the Torah Dedication

Tachnun on the Day of the Hachnasas Sefer Torah

One does not recite Tachnun (supplication prayers) in the prayer service closest to the siyum ceremony.[1] Therefore, if the siyum will be after mincha, one does not recite tachnun during mincha.
According to Chabad custom one does not recite tachnun the entire day in the same town of where the siyum is to be performed.[2] It seems that this exemption does not extend to an entire large city, since the source for this custom referred to a small town. Therefore only one who will actually participate in the siyum does not recite tachnun.
Questions & Answers
The minyan skipped reciting tachun since there will be a siyum sefer torah in the city today, I and many are not planning to participate at the siyum. Should we still recite tachnun?
 One who is not planning to participate in the siyum should recite tachnun. If the minyan has skipped tachnun one should not make overt signs of saying tachnun in their presence.[3] Therefore, it seems that if one can recite tachnun without drawing attention, this should be done.

[1] Chasan Torah (Hilchos Tefilah Chapter 4).
[2] See Igros Kodesh (Rayatz) vol. 6 p. 73: “On that day, it was a special day, they did not recite tachnun, all the people of the town came to show respect to the torah. Chassidim and men of great renown immersed in the mikvah before prayers. During prayers, the candles were lit in the synagogue.”
[3] See Igros Kodesh vol. 15 p. 58. This letter was addressed to one who was praying in a minyan who had the custom to skip tachnun on any day of the passing of a tzaddik, (which is not a Chabad custom). The questioner was worried of by saying tachnun this would cause strife. 

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