Friday, September 16, 2016

When one finds a psul (invalidation) in a sefer torah, is this a bad sign for the community?

Finding an invalidation in a sefer torah is assumed to be a heavenly sign that the community as a whole should do some introspective and improvement. It is told over that in the summer of 5747 (1987)[1] the Rebbe made such a remark at a public farbrengen when an invalidation in the sefer torah was discovered just before the torah was read from.[2]

[1] Presumably, this took place on Shabbos Parshas Balak. There were some tragedies in the community around that exact time.
[2] See Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 (p. 529) that suggests that a remedy for someone whose mezuzah was invalid is to learn some chapters of Mishnah by heart. At the very least one should learn a chapter of Tanya by heart and should review it or at least think it in one’s mind when one travels.

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