Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Loosely Affixed or Hanging Mezuzah

Image result for mezuzah affixing loosely affixed
 The mezuzah case (with a kosher mezuzah inside) needs to be affixed firmly to the doorpost; therefore, if it is affixed loosely it is invalid.

See Tur (Yoreh Deah 289) in the law of תלה במקל
Mezuzah: Divine Protection and Blessing (P. 238)

Jewish identity and its commitment to service of Hashem must be strong and never weakened.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Width of the Tefillin Retzuah (Straps)

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The Retzuah of Tefillin needs to be a minimum width of a seorah (barley cornel). According to R. Chaim Naeh this is 10 mm. In a pressing situation 9 mm is still enough to recite a blessing on the Tefillin. This minimum width requirement applies even to the beginning section of the retzuah that protrudes from the yud shaped knot on the Tefillin Shel Yad.

Shulchan Aruch Admor Hazaken (Orach Chayim 27:20). Ketzos Hashulchan in the supplements of vol. 1 (p. 89).

Even when serving Hashem in our own unique way, it must be within the boundaries so designated by our Sages. 

                                           Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Yud Knot Should be in Constant Physical Contact with the Tefillin

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One should be careful that the Yud knot of the Tefillin Shel Yad should be constantly touching the Tefillin for the reason explained in the Zohar; that the Choshen (Brestplate) was constantly bound to the Kohen Gadol’s Aphod (apron). One should be stringent to insure that the Yud knot should be touching the Tefillin even when they are not being worn.

Shulchan Aruch Admor Hazaken (Orach Chayim 27:5). Mishna Berurah (27:10).

We need to be constantly cognizant of our Divine connection with Hashem.

                                      Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

To dedicate a lesson, you can make a dedication of any amount through PayPal 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Pasul Sefer Torah that Fell to the Ground

Image result for sefer torah that fell

If a kosher Sefer Torah falls to the ground, the one who dropped it and those who are present need to fast. Even if the Sefer Torah is not kosher one needs to fast.

Chayim She’al (1:12).

 When something so dear to us falls we may not stand by as if nothing happened.

                                           Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Took out the Wrong Sefer Torah from the Aron Kodesh

Image result for open aron kodesh

One who mistakenly took out the wrong torah that was not rolled to the portion of the intended reading should not return it to the Aron Kodesh (ark) in order to take out the other originally intended sefer torah in its place, rather one should roll it to the correct reading portion. If one were to return the first torah to the Aron Kodesh before it was even read from, this could be interpreted to the bystanders that there was an invalidation with the first torah.

Mateh Yehudah (Orach Chayim 282 at the end). Kaf Hachayim (Orach Chayim 144:13). Igros Moshe (Orach Chayim 2:37).

A similar incident once occurred in 770, the gabbai went to fix the mistake and the Rebbe responded “everything is dependent on Mazel even a sefer torah in the Heichal (ark)”, (see Zohar vol. 3 134a).

Dedicated in honor of the birthdays of Moshe Kasriel ben Shaina Malka & Elisheva Chava bas Shaina Malka. May they have a year of much success in Gashmius and Ruchnius!

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Removing a Watch before donning Tefillin

Image result for tefillin and a watch
It is proper to remove a watch before donning Tefillin. Nonetheless, one who is lenient and does not remove his watch is not held to account nor censured since the actual problem of Chatzitzah (intervention) is only applicable to the area of the retzuah; that is tying the knot.

Mishna Berurah (27:16); Dovev Meisharim (2:37).

Despite the many challenges that seem to exist, we need to be able to access a completely inviolable place in ourselves which does not allow any room for our Jewishness to be tainted.

                                                       Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

To dedicate a lesson, you can make a dedication of any amount through PayPal  to: 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Megillas Esther Missing Letters

Image result for old megillah

A Megillas Esther that is missing letters, as long as those letters that are missing are still in the minority of the letters – the Megillah is kosher. However, if one has another fully kosher megillah, one should use the fully kosher one.

Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim 690:3); Rema (Orach Chayim 691:2). Mishna Berurah (691:14).

Even when we are neither perfect nor complete, we are still never unimportant.

                                            Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

To dedicate a lesson, you can make a dedication of any amount through PayPal to: 

Writing the Megillas Esther

Image result for silver case for megillas esther

There is an authority who holds that before a Sofer begins to write the Megillah he needs to say “Behold, I am writing this for the holiness of the Megillas Esther”. It is not enough to simply say “Behold, I am writing for the holiness of the Megillah”. Initially, one should follow this view and say both words “Megilas Esther”; albeit it is still valid if one merely said “… for the holiness of the Megilah”.

Mishnas Hasofer 28 in the Yalkut Hasofer in the name of the Mikrei Kodesh (Hilchos Purim 31).

Esther was the one who had the highest level of Mesirus Nefesh (self-sacrifice) for the sake of the Jewish people. She cannot be separated from the story even from the preparation stage of the writing of the Megillah.

                                                       Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

To dedicate a lesson, you can make a dedication of any amount through PayPal to: 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Megillah with Pictures

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It is not proper to have pictures on the side of the klaf (parchment) of the Megillas Esther. Those that did so, did not invalidate the Megillah. Nonetheless, pictures which literally depict the story should be avoided.

Eliyahu Raba (691:7).

Sometimes the more we think we have something, it is actually the opposite

                                             Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

To dedicate a lesson, you can make a dedication of any amount through PayPal to: 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Lines Beginning the Megillah

Some Sofrim have a custom to start each column of the Megillas Esther with the word “Hamelech” (the king) or the letter Vav. This custom should not be effected at the expense as crunching or elongating letters as a result.

Kol Yakov (Orach Chayim 691:28).

 One should never practice self-perfection when it comes at the cost of causing pain to another.

Image result for ‫מגילה עשרת בני המן‬‎

Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah
To sponsor a lesson, you can make a dedication of any amount through PayPal through

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sirtut (Scoring) for a Mezuzah

A mezuzah requires Sirtut (in which all the lines were scored). Without such scoring, even if the Sofer writes perfectly straight, the mezuzah is nonetheless invalid.

Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 288:8).

Regardless of what we hold for ourselves individually, for cohesiveness and continuity of communal unity we all need to be held by an Authority in which we all follow.

Li'Ilui Nishmas 
Elka bas Yehudah

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