Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Yud Knot Should be in Constant Physical Contact with the Tefillin

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One should be careful that the Yud knot of the Tefillin Shel Yad should be constantly touching the Tefillin for the reason explained in the Zohar; that the Choshen (Brestplate) was constantly bound to the Kohen Gadol’s Aphod (apron). One should be stringent to insure that the Yud knot should be touching the Tefillin even when they are not being worn.

Shulchan Aruch Admor Hazaken (Orach Chayim 27:5). Mishna Berurah (27:10).

We need to be constantly cognizant of our Divine connection with Hashem.

                                      Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

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1 comment:

Ezra said...

I attached a rubber band around the box and yud kesher to ensure that it stays touching the box.