Sunday, March 19, 2017

Took out the Wrong Sefer Torah from the Aron Kodesh

Image result for open aron kodesh

One who mistakenly took out the wrong torah that was not rolled to the portion of the intended reading should not return it to the Aron Kodesh (ark) in order to take out the other originally intended sefer torah in its place, rather one should roll it to the correct reading portion. If one were to return the first torah to the Aron Kodesh before it was even read from, this could be interpreted to the bystanders that there was an invalidation with the first torah.

Mateh Yehudah (Orach Chayim 282 at the end). Kaf Hachayim (Orach Chayim 144:13). Igros Moshe (Orach Chayim 2:37).

A similar incident once occurred in 770, the gabbai went to fix the mistake and the Rebbe responded “everything is dependent on Mazel even a sefer torah in the Heichal (ark)”, (see Zohar vol. 3 134a).

Dedicated in honor of the birthdays of Moshe Kasriel ben Shaina Malka & Elisheva Chava bas Shaina Malka. May they have a year of much success in Gashmius and Ruchnius!

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