Thursday, March 9, 2017

Writing the Megillas Esther

Image result for silver case for megillas esther

There is an authority who holds that before a Sofer begins to write the Megillah he needs to say “Behold, I am writing this for the holiness of the Megillas Esther”. It is not enough to simply say “Behold, I am writing for the holiness of the Megillah”. Initially, one should follow this view and say both words “Megilas Esther”; albeit it is still valid if one merely said “… for the holiness of the Megilah”.

Mishnas Hasofer 28 in the Yalkut Hasofer in the name of the Mikrei Kodesh (Hilchos Purim 31).

Esther was the one who had the highest level of Mesirus Nefesh (self-sacrifice) for the sake of the Jewish people. She cannot be separated from the story even from the preparation stage of the writing of the Megillah.

                                                       Li'ilui Nishmas Elka bas Yehudah

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